Titres dernièrement diffusés :
Claudio Capeo - T'en aller | Thais Lona - You | Anthony Soto - Abuelito | Lenny Kravitz - I belong to you | Trois Vagues - Que nos yeux pour pleurer | Michael Buble - Haven't meet you yet | SENSATIONS - La musique revient... | Khalid - Talk | Santa - La difference | Barkley Gnarls - Crazy | Katy Perry - OK | Achile - Je te ferai des signes | Marc Lavoine - Le train | Janet Jackson - Runaway | SENSATIONS - LA MUSIQUE REVIENT | Kelly Clarkson - My life would suck without you | Rori - Verite | Saian supa crew - Angela | DeLaurentis - I'm just a rose | Jean-Louis Aubert - Saute | Sting / Shaggy - 44/876 | Petrole Brut - Si l'on se perd en route | Benson Boone - Sorry i'm here for someone else | Madonna - Nothing really matters | SENSATIONS - La musique revient... | Ofenbach / Justin Jesso - Over you | Lara Fabian - Je t'ai cherche | Tribal Jam - Remind me | Hugel - Back to life | Diva Faune / Adeline Lovo - Forever | HolyBrune - Fair Game | Grand Corps Malade / Louane - Derriere le brouillard | Lady Gaga - Disease | Suzane - Insatisfait | Sab - On se bat | Jacotene - Stop calling | SENSATIONS - LA MUSIQUE REVIENT | Queen - Radio Ga Ga | Dinaa - Mi Fa Seul | Cinema bizarre - Lovesongs (they kill me)